Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's on the hooks?

I've looked at several other blogs to see what everyone is doing lately and I've seen some terrific stuff. "The Garden Bell" has some hookie goodness going on, not to mention "Pammy Sue's Place",  "Attic24", "Crocheting My Bestest with my Worsted", "Shropshire Suz",  and many many more. Lovely, colorful, hookie things that are so useful and beautiful at the same time. I just finished up a tote bag that will be given away as a prize at the end of the month to one lucky winner of the CAL for May at "Crochet Soiree".

The colors in this photo really don't give the tote bag justice. The yarn is Vanna's Choice in the "Autumn" color for the body and the sides are Vanna's Choice in the "Brick" color. I love the colors and I also lined the bag and added a couple of pockets on the inside. If you are interested in winning this or winning a crocheted purse made by Molly of "Crocheting my bested with my Worsted" or a gorgeous doily made by Tamara Gonzales of "Tamara's Take" on Crochet Soiree. Just join the Crochet Soiree site (it's free ) and make at least one of two patterns which have been chosen for this contest. They are not hard to do and the names are chosen at random to pick the winners.

I've also never taken pictures of any of the granny squares that I've made so today I thought I would do just that.

I thought I'd give you two pictures of each. I'm sure that I've made well over one hundred granny squares of different types since I learned how to crochet a little over a year ago.

Well I've got to get other things made so that I can show them to you, so you all have a happy day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Here I Am!

Hello Everyone! I hope this post finds everyone happy and content. I've been so busy recently that I think I may have met myself. Yes, we did go to the Gourd Festival held in Sedalia, MO and enjoyed ourselves immensely. The hubby and I both took classes and thought that they were great. We both enjoyed our instructors but I know that I got the funnest ones........."The Gourd Sisters, Lindy and Ann"! They live in Ballwin, MO and are very talented gourd artists. Here's an example of what I made in my class:

I really liked how my little gourd penguin and snowangel turned out. What about you?
Now here are some of the pictures of gourd items entered into the competition:
Yes my dears, these were all made out of gourds! Can you believe that motorcycle? There was even a tabletop working merry-go-round. I was amazed at all the beautiful things that I saw and yes I took TONS of pictures. We also bought a lot of gourds for working with and have since purchased a lot of the stuff we need to do some gourd crafting of our own! I'll show you more pictures when I get some things completed. It really was a great trip and I think I made some new friends while we were there.

This past week I made two baby bibs exactly like this first one that I made:
And mailed them off to Doug the IT guy over at Crochet Soiree 'cause he's expecting twin girls in the month of May. Now I've started working on a prize for the May CAL over on Crochet Soiree. I'm making a granny tote which will be lined as one of the prizes in Autumn colors. If you know how to crochet or want to learn how, you need to get on over to right away and enter the CAL and contest. The details about it are in the Tamara's blog before last. Easy projects and nice prizes too~ Come on over and join us. Well dears I have a lot to do in a little time and I'm also going to the Farmer's Market as a seller tomorrow. I've got some lovely irises, daylilies, sweet basil, spearmint, oregano, tomato plants, zucchini plants etc. to sell. Wish me luck! More to come in the future.

HugsXX    Barbara