Hi there and welcome to my blog!! My name is Barbara Moore and I am a Gourd Artist living in Arkansas, USA. I love creating one of a kind Art pieces using the humble gourd. I love the fact that you can grow it, dry it, clean it, and then use several different techniques, everything from inks, dyes, and paints to decoupage, clay, wood burning and carving to create an Art piece that is truly unique, special and one of a kind. No two gourds are exactly alike and no two Artists work in exactly the same way.
Right now I want to show you the first prize that I will be giving away to some lucky blogger who comments on this post:
This is an apple gourd and is made into exactly what it represents. Doesn't it look like a nice shiny apple? I will post another prize later on if I receive enough comments. In order to be eligible to win the apple:
1. You must be a blogger (from anywhere in the world)
2. You must leave a comment on this post (and a way to reach you if you win)
3. The winner will be announced on February 17 and I will email the winner as well as post it.
This is my first year to participate in the OWOH event and the last year that Lisa plans on doing it. I hope there are many,many,many bloggers who join in. I can't wait to read you comments!
Actually, it looks like a gilded apple...it looks like it's made out of porcelain or glass or some other type of material...it's wonderful, as is all of your work! I really think your work is amazing, but you probably get tired of hearing people say that to you, Barbara ;-)
Hi there Barbara!!!
Hey, better late than never to the party I always say!!!!!
Oh, my, yes, please put my name in the hat for this beautiful work of art!!!!! It is beautiful!!!!
Wow, absolutely beautiful! My husbands ranch symbol is the spanish goard. They brand EVERYTHING with that symbol...we even have it stamped in our sidewalk! hehe!
Have a great Monday!
Angie Friend
Barbara, the apple gourd is simply beautiful. I run out of superlatives when I try to describe what you do with the humble gourd.
Love your gourd. I work with gourds too. I like the wonderful shine on this one.
Hi Barbara,
I love your gourd work. I'm so glad that you have found something that you can be so passionate about. It's been fun seeing all the neat things that you can make from a gourd, and I would love to win a gourd made especially by you.
Love & Hugs,
I'm so happy you came to visit my blog, now you can add me to yours!!! It's sad this will be the last one, but happy to be part of it...Blessings my friend!
That is precious and perfect in every way - beautiful craftsmanship!
Thanks so much for the chance,
Hello Barbara,
Your work is so beautiful and unique! Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)
OWOH is a great trip around the (blog)world! I enjoy it!!
Sweet greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)
Looks so real, and great blog. Here's mine...
It is beautiful! Would make a great gift for our Jewish new year celebration, which is al about apples and honey :) Please enter me in your give away. I am also participating in this OWOH :)
Thank you for being apart of the OWOH journey!
Very nice prize please count me in.
Come see me at www.shelinwa.blogspot.com
Gourd art, now there's a craft I hadn't considered! I think that would be fun to try! I enjoyed visiting your blog, and I hope you will visit me, too!
Hi Barbara,
WOW!!! This is gorgeous!!!
How unique and FUN! Thank you! And thanks for visiting me this morning! We're having fun, aren't we? ♥ http://lavenderdreamstoo.blogspot.com/
Hi Barbara, nice to meet you. Hope you are having fun with OWOH event. I'm number 96 on the list and yes, please enter me, its a great door prize and stop by my blog for a chance to win also. Happy blog hopping to you.
Blogging is relatively new to me, and I am having a lot of fun looking around your site. Thanks so much for sharing about yourself. I am a teacher and I would love to take the apple gourd into my classroom for the students to enjoy.
Hi Barbara, thanks for coming to visit with me! It's a pleasure to meet you. I love gourds as well and have a number of handcrafted pieces of gourd art in my home. Yours would be a most lovely addition! :) Thank you again for coming to visit with me, and enjoy all the OWOH festivities! :) Theresa
How beautiful Barbara! I love all of your work. Back a while ago you posted a pic of a motorcycle done out of gourds. I saved that pic and sent it to so many people. You're the first one I've seen do this. You are truly talented.
I'm having so much fun on the OWOH! I love your blog and I'm so happy to meet you! Hope you have a most wonderful and happy day! Hugs!
Vintiquities Workshop
Yea! So glad to be here. You have an awesome blog! Come check mine out sometime. Thanks for entering me!
Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the oppertunity to win!
Hi Barb, that's beautiful! Please enter my name in your giveaway and thank you so much for visiting my blog! Lisa
Wow, that's a gourd? I'm impressed!! Come see me here:
Please put me in the pot for your OWOH Door Prize!
Thank You,Tee creationsbytee@gmail.com
WOW!!! That is STUNNING! It looks like an antique laquered box!! I very much appreciate your visits too!!
OMG, totally cool gourd, my daughter gave me one at mothers day and I fell in love :) Anyway, so pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle by the way)! Now I want to ask you to please, please come comment at my OWOH post too :) I'm number 120 on the list yey! (oh & please feel free to drop in now and then after OWOH if you're in the bloggersphere) Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :)
Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years. It's nice to meet you. I didn't know there was a mag. "Flea Market Style" untill I saw your photo. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
What a wonderful gourd, and don't you know, we teachers LOVE apples! I need to visit more of your blog to see what else you make!
If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: I’m giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!
What a lovely color! Please count me in!
The apple gourd is just beautiful! So glad I stopped by your blog today.
Jeanie Callaghan
Hi Barbara ! I've always been amazed by what people can do with gourds. Your apple is awesome.
Enter me into your giveaway please and thank you for entering mine.
Peggy from France.
This is terrific. So pleased to meet you. Do drop by when you have a chance. #645
Hi Barbara, I would love to win one of your creations. Come visit. XXMollye
Greetings from California
Thanks for visiting my blog :0) I am enjoying yours !
Please enter me in your giveaway...
It is incredible!
I love what you do :)
I've been interested in Gourd art, but not the time to explore...
I would love for you to become a part of my blog family,
...later when you have time please visit back and join?
I will attach myself to yours as well.
On google friend connect I'm the pink flower on yours.
thanks so much!
♥ tere
Love it!!! What a fun, fun, giveaway. Please enter my name in the drawing, and if you are out and about in blogland, stop by #521 and meet me.
I love gourds, but sadly cannot get them to grow here...it just isn't warm enough! I see NWA has gotten some crazy amounts of snow...what about you guys?
Ooooh, that gourd is absolutely gorgeous! How talented you are! I would be thrilled to receive such a beautiful thing.
I am involved in OWOH for the first time. It's great visiting different blogs and finding so many talented people!
Please visit me (if you haven't already!) at
http://dormouse.wibsite.com/2011/02/02/one-world-one-heart-2011/#comments (N° 688 on the list!)
Hello Barbara,
Thank you for stopping by. I do love the apple and please enter my name. Consider yourself added to my list of entrants. Take care.
This is so neat! Your work is fabulous! So cool! Thanks for this chance to win! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357
Wonderful to visit your blog and meet you. Put my name in your draw, then take a minute to visit my blog, and I will add your name to win one of three prizes.
that's a very pretty giveaway. Very different of a hobby.
Greetings from Canada - visit me at #336 Shimmer and Tulle.
Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy
How lovely! Please count me in your giveaway!
Wow! I thought it was an apple!
Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!
Wow, I've seen apple goards before, but never one that looked so much like an apple! Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)
Beautiful and so very creative! Please enter my name in your drawing. Many thanks,
very pretty little apple :)
Hehe - that's so funny!! It looks so realistic and shiiiny, its great fun! Please do count me in and enjoy OWOH x
I love your gourd art, it is deliscious. I had a nice visit with you today I hope you can stop by my blog for a quick visit too
Hi Barbara,
I just popped over to say hi!!! I have got to start crafting in a few minutes because there is that purse challenge and I need to make one...lol
Hello from Thailand!
I can't believe that that's apple is made from gourd. very unique!
Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)
laetricia (@) gmail (d0t) com
That is UnBeLiEvAbLe!!! These gourds are something priceless, and I know how hard it is to paint on round surfaces!! You must have a trick or two :D
Hi Im Belinda Nice to meet you .Love your Blog!!
Please visit mine.My door prize is a OOAK polymer bunting baby
hugs Belinda
Hello and may I just say how happy I am to meet you. Happy OWOH. I am so excited to be a part of this and would love the opportunity to be a part of your door prize.
It has been wonderful to stop by and visit and I hope you will drop in during your adventures around Blogland.
Wishes and Whimsy
WeNdy from WonDErLand
Great work on the gourds and a gorgeous blog. Thank you for visiting my blog. This is my first year for the OWOH event. Marrianna.
Email: satena@yahoo.com.
Blog: www.reddancerstudio.typepad.com (which you already visited and thank you)
It reminds me of Snow White and I love it. Please visit me at Irish Muses at#678.
Hi Barbara, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win your gorgeous prize, it really does look like a beautiful shiny apple:-)
Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!
Hugs, PEA from Canada xox
Barbara, that is so neat! Hard to believe it is made from a gourd. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Wow! I've seen gourd creations here in Georgia, but never anything like that! It is just beautiful. I love this OWOH - I've found so many beautiful, creative blogs through it.
wonderful gourd, please throw my name in the hat!
Ciao! I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win your beautiful gourd - I do not believe that it isn't made out of ceramic or glass!!
Hugs, ♥ ♥ ♥ Antonella ♥ ♥ ♥
wing stop #153, snowy New Jersey
Please stop by #153 for a chance to win my giveaway!
Hi Barbara. It is so very nice to meet you. You certainly have a wonderful place here :) Your gourd apple is beautiful. It would look fantastic sitting on my husbands desk... he is a school teacher.
Please stop on by my blog for a visit... I would love to see you there. I am #78 on the OWOH list.
Thanks so much for stopping over at my blog and your sweet comments about my journal jacket..and no, you weren't too late! I'll be drawing the winner at midnight tonight!
Your apple gourd is amazing! I would love for a chance to win it!
Take care!
I love gourds - I am hoping to grow some one day. They are so fascinating. I love your apple gourd.
Hi Barbara! :D It does look just like the perfect little apple, so shiny and beautiful! All of your gourd art is just wonderful!...Have a fun rest of the weekend. xo Paulette
The apple gourd is such fun--I've never seen that shape! Please include me in your giveaway. I hope you can stop by my blog at #331 and enter my giveaway, too!
How adorable?!!!! please include me in your drawing and come visit #209
thanks, Susan (Pieces of Fate)
Beautiful work!
Hello Barbara, so good to meet up with you again. Lots of old and new friends in the blogosphere! Lovely piece you have! It's the apple of my eye! Wanda #220
needlewings (at ) mac (dot) com
That gourd is really pretty! Thanks for stopping by our blog!
Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you! Keisha
Fantastic giveaway! It's darling! It is so much fun seeing all the different types of things being given away and meet new(to me) bloggers! Please enter me in your giveaway!
Ohhh i missed this, its gorgeous, please add me into the draw.I would be delighted to win it.
hope your day is going wonderfully
hugs June
Your giveaway is so beautiful!!! I would love to win something so special! I LOVE apples
Thanks for the chance to win :D
Come to enter my giveaway if you haven't already!
Hugs !!
Thank you for for offering this beautiful gift and thank you for the chance to win. Your hard work really shows!
Wow what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to the list !Thank you for the opportunity to win!
That is pretty Barbara! I admire gourd art and yours is very unique! Years ago tried to grow a few, that's all I got was one or two
cathyguitarteacher-77 at yahoo.com
This is very unique. Beautifully made. Your artform is interesting and I've never seen anything like it. Will you please enter my name in for a chance to win this prize giveaway? Thanks, Norma (95)
what a beautiful apple! great giveaway prize! please enter me in your giveaway and come enter mine!
Love the apple gourd, a very different craft!
binafan at hotmail dot com
Hi Barbara,
I'd love to win your prize, it looks beautiful and I just love shiny apples and your one would last a lot longer than those presently in my fruit bowl!
I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.
Sherry from England, UK
Wonderful giveaway! Please enter me--thanks :) OWOH #318
That is so pretty! We great gourds a few times.
Please put my name in your hat and come over to my blog #348 and toss your name in my hat if you wish. Thanks and good luck!
What a beautiful piece of art.
OWOH hugs.
Carol H.
Thanks for your coment on my blog. This gourd is like no other I have ever seen!
Janet @ SouthernGirl
I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing, if you get a chance to stop by my blog is #809
Hello from Oregon! Thanks for letting me peek around in your blog and enter your giveaway. I would love to win your beautiful gourd. It looks like glass in the photo. Hard to believe that it is a plant!
Please feel free to come over to my blog and enter the giveaway there.
:) Gale OWOH #473
An apple gourd? I'm intrigued, this is the first I heard of one.
I'm planning on growing these this year, so this would be a perfect model!
Rayna - Minnesota
northstarshetlands AT gmail.com
OWOH blogger #836
I thought I was already a follower. Hmmm! This apple gourd is amazing!!!!!!!!! You do wonderful work.
Thank you for the fun time here. Please enter me into your wonderful giveaway!!!!!!!
Thank you for "you know what", V will be here before we know it!!!!!!!!
Hugs, Linda
i love your gourds- found you thru ann cox's post on fb. i would love to win one of your beautiful pieces!
debrah block krol
my blog is : http://dbkdesign.wordpress.com/
my email is deblockrol@me.com
You have a very warm and inviting blog. I really enjoyed the visit and looking at your gourds, especially this one. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.
OMG, fabulous give away! Pop over to my blog if you get a chance :)
An apple gourd! Who knew there was even such a thing!
This is fun! Please enter me in your OWOH Giveaway! If I am the winner, you can contact me at BREATHofART@aol.com. Take a moment to visit my blog and enter my OWOH Giveaway at www.breathofart.blogspot.com
Love your gourd, it is amazing!!!! It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819 mustlovepaint.blogspot.com
Hi Barbara!
I'm in Arkansas, too!
Your gourd is wonderful!! I've painted on a few gourds and it's so fun.
Stop on by my blog when you can.
Greetings from Louisville, KY - USA
Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
Winning your give away would be awesome!
Thanks for including me in your drawing..Come visit me, I am playing too.
Greetings from western North Carolina.
You have an awesome blog and giveaway. I am having such fun checking out all of the OWOH participant's blogs.
Hello from NY. Beautiful apple! Thank you for adding my name to your giveaway.
I love gourd art. The shapes they come in and the potential they each have is amazing. I adore that shiny apple.
Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to pop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
hugs from ON, Canada
Don't you know that teachers love apples ? VBG.. I think your apple is very elegant looking and would look wonderful on my teacher's desk.
Thanks for participating in OWOH-
Hope you are getting a chance to visit other participants - there are lots of great things to see in the festival.
Warmest regards from Western Canada,
I have not met a gourd artist before Barbara but it is a pleasure to meet you. I am going to have a look around your blog but in the meanwhile, Please add me to your giveaway and come over and visit me too. I am No. 229 on the list.
its so cute! happy owoh!
Hello from Florence, Oregon. What a nice blog you have. Please count me in on your giveaway.
How cool...I have never seen a gourd done like this!! I would love the chance to win your lovely prize.
How unique!! Very nice art.
Come visit me at
Thanks Teri-abella4@att.net
thanks for being a part of OWOH so that we could find you! i'm enjoying your blog and look forward to spending a lot more time here!
thanks, too, for a chance at winning your wonderful prize! i've never seen anything like it!
i hope you will have a chance to stop by my blog and enter my give away, too! this is also my first (and sadly last) time participating in OWOH.
joe in montana
Cool apple!
Greetings from Spain!!!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Greetings from Ipswich, MA
I'm glad to meet you. I'm #509
I'm a jewelry artist, watercolor painter, and over all creative adventurer! And...I'd be honored to have you follow my blog!
Love the apple gourd! Please enter me into the OWOH drawing. Thanks!
I hope you get to visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come any time to chat.
email: Lamore225@gmail.com
Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L
Hi Barbara,
What a great apple -- thanks for the chance to take a bite out of it. Or rather not... ;) Love your artwork!
Greetings from Germany,
# 66
Please add me to your hopefuls. Love this OWOH meet and greet. Come for a visit www.beckoningoflife.blogspot.com Leslie
What a beautiful apple! ;) i can't believe the things you can do with gourds!
Thanks for being part of this great event. I hope the experience has been grand (and that you'll come out of it with many new friends and inspirations!)
Hi Barbara, I would love to win your beautifully handcrafted apple gourd art project. How sweet! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
Hello from Cody, Wyoming, USA. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know a bit about you.
Isn't this OWOH event so fun! Your gourds are awesome! I would love to win your little apple!
Please enter me in your drawing. ( stampgram AT yahoo DOT com }
If you haven't done so yet, please stop by and enter these giveaways too.
# 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
# 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home
It's beautiful! It reminds me of Snow White! What a wonderful work of art. Thank you for including me, xo
I'm a retired teacher...37.50 years...I would love to win your apple gourd.
Lovely blog and lovely giveaways…I hope I win.
Carolyn Kight Michigan USA
My blogs in OWOH
email: cmkights@tc3net.com
another email carolynleekight@gmail.com (I like this one the best.)
Hey Barbara, It's lovely to meet you via OWOH. What a great giveaway. This apple is incredible. Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH #598
Good luck to whoever wins the beautiful 'apple trophy'!!!
Thanks for visiting with me yesterday.
Wow! I've never heard of gourd art till this blog hop, your apple gourd is really beautiful! Please enter me into your draw! So nice to meet you here through OWOH! I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog , too:-)
I would have never guessed that the lovely ornament was made from a gourd, I am amazed. Of course, I would love to win it. Thanks for the chance, Liz (831)
Beautiful apple!
Please come and visit my blog too if you didn´t do it already! Thank you :)
Warm regards
Susan, nr 471
Oh, this is WONDERFUL! Would you believe that I collect goards? I have one that has been made into a pocketbook! I have a lot of mine displayed above the cabinets in my kitchen...but this is probably one of the prettiest I've seen! And my kitchen is also decorated with......can you guess it......apples!! This would just tie everything together so nicely, so you KNOW i'm keeping my fingers crossed to win this little treasure!
I love your blog and have bookmarked you so that I may come back again soon. Enjoyed my visit very much!
Thank you so much for the chance to win. I hope you'll take a few minutes to stop by my blog, as well, and visit with me for a while.
All good wishes,
Thanks for the great giveaway. I hope I win. Best wishes...
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
This is so beautiful! Please count me in!
I love the apple gourd...I have a small collection of apples in my classroom that I could add it to...
Hi Barbara! I met you at the Craft Gossip Fork and Talk yesterday and just had to come see pictures of your beautiful gourds! Had so much fun getting to know everyone yesterday!
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