Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Wonderful Art Book made with Creative Paperclay® !


I absolutely love the way this project turned out! I’ve seen much larger books made for art journaling and for art in general and wanted to try something on my own. As just about everyone knows who reads my blog (maybe not the new followers) I love Creative Paperclay®! This is such a versatile clay and works for many different projects.

To begin with I rolled out my clay with a fondant roller and pressed in a design stamp:

Paperclay  book 005          Paperclay  book 006

I used  a clay cutter to cut the back and front out for the clay book and let the clay dry:

Paperclay  book 003          Paperclay  book 004

I made the holes in the book cover while the clay was still wet. Once the clay was dry, I painted the front and back with Sakura Hobby Craft-Crystal Lacquer mixed with the Terri Sproul Mixer, Tanzanite. While that color was still damp I added the Crystal Lacquer with the Terri Sproul Mixer, Bronze, just highlighting but not completely covering the Tanzanite.

Paperclay  book 009

When this was dry I painted the inside of the book cover with the Tanzanite. I then cut some Mixed Media paper to fit the book (3”X31/2”) and used an awl to make the holes. I took the papers and held them pressed together with small clamps while I brushed some Crystal Lacquer on the edge to act as binding.

Paperclay  book 010

Once everything was all dry I used some ribbon to hold everything together and attached a little butterfly to the front. Tell me what you think:


Paperclay  book 015               Paperclay  book 014

Paperclay  book 016                       Paperclay  book 017

Isn’t this just so neat? By using the Mixed Media Paper (400#) you can write, paint, decoupage, etc. and just about anything that you want to use and it won’t bleed through. I think this will be most fun to work in.




Lyneen said...

I love IT!!!!!!! Great project!!!

Anonymous said...

absolutely love this!!
Lee in Texas

Lynne Moncrieff said...

This is stunning!!!!

Unknown said...

Very pretty prodject !

Theresa said...

Gorgeous! Great job:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

Beautiful, Barbara. The covers will inspire you every time to go to journal.

Question: why was the Crystal lacquer needed for binding when you had already punched holes for binding?

Cyndi L said...

What a stunningly beautiful cover!

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

P.S. The "prove you're not a robot" words on this blog are EXTREMELY difficult for this human to read and reproduce. Maybe I'm actually a robot ;-)

Cindy said...

Hey Eileen! The lacquer wasn't necessary, I just like a little extra precaution. lol The words are a blogger thing and I agree sometimes they're outrageous.

Hugs XX