Saturday, September 29, 2012

Creative Paperclay® Candy Dish


I have got to say that this project was a lot of fun and very interesting to do. I grow a lot of plants and flowers and I have a hosta (actually several hostas now) that I’m particularly fond of. Well the other day I had the thought of using a hosta leaf as a pattern/mold for a candy dish. Here’s what I started with:

2003-02-12 13.07.52 Aren’t those leaves beautiful? There were many that were bigger but I wasn’t trying to make a plate, just a candy dish. lol  It took almost the whole 1 lb. package of clay to make the dish. I first rolled the clay out and then pressed the back of the leaf into the clay. I bent the clay while it was wet and put some crumpled up fabric under it to hold it up while it dried. 2003-02-12 14.11.48After the clay had set for a day, I turned the clay over and removed the leaf from it. The clay was still damp and the leaf pulled right off it. I then let the clay sit until it was completely dry. Once the leaf was completely dry I painted it with “Silks” Acrylic Glaze from Luminarte.2003-02-14 12.57.14 Once the paint was dry on both sides I coated both sides several times with Minwax waterbased Polyurethane. This is the final result:

2003-02-15 11.58.04           2003-02-14 15.51.43

This candy dish turned out pretty nice didn’t it? Quite the coffee table addition!     2003-02-14 16.49.582003-02-14 16.50.40I hope this inspires you to try using Creative Paperclay®. It’s a great clay to work with and you can make so many different things with it. Thinking Christmas anyone?


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