Hello everyone! I hope you all have a great time with the blog hop today! I’m really anxious to show you what created. I have never decorated a skull mask before but right after Halloween last year I purchased a paper mache’ skull at Michaels for a great price and have kept it all this time. Just in case I decided I wanted to make more than one skull, I decided to make a mold out of the one I had. With Halloween coming up look at what I made! Here’s what I started out with:
I had already gessoed and sealed the outside of the mask. I then mixed equal parts of A and B mold putty and applied it to the mask to create a mold. I did have to make several batches to cover the whole mask.
Once the mold had set up I used Creative Paperclay® which I had first rolled out, to line the inside of the mold. I made sure the clay was pressed firmly into the mold and then set the mold and clay up to harden. I did have to hold the sides in as the mold wanted to spread out since it was so large and flexible.
Once the clay was halfway dry I turned it out of the mold and let it finish drying. Once dry I started decorating! I coated the mask with gesso and used paint pens to add color and then glued sequins on to give it that bling I so love! Can you see the sparkle that I glued on one of the front teeth? This skull is so awesome! I hope you like it too.
Your next stop on the blog hop will be with Molly so go on over and see what she’s created for you to see. There will be three winners in this giveaway, one winner will be receiving a package of Creative Paperclay one winner will receive one package of Amazing Mold Putty and the third winner will receive one package of Amazing Resin. Woo Hoo! What an outstanding giveaway! Below is a list of the Blog Hop participants in order. Don’t forget to start with Terri Sproul and cast your vote for your favorite project entry at the last stop which should be Amazing Mold Putty. Hope you have lots of fun and I hope you vote for ME! (Whoever gets the most votes gets a prize too!)
Creative Paperclay
Terri sproul - http://www.terrisproul.blogspot.com
Barbara Moore http://barbara-moorewhimsies.blogspot.com/
Molly Walsh http://molly1989-mollysplace.blogspot.com/
Debbie Buckland http://artycrafty.wordpress.com/
Edie Cournoyer http://lifebytheseatofmypants.wordpress.com/
Lyneen Jesse http://dreamingofcastles.blogspot.com/
Lee Brehon http://www.createalways.com/
Annie Courture http://www.cornerofthebedroomstudios.blogspot.com/
Kelly Donovan http://knittingandthings.com/
Michelle Cummings http://faeriedustdreams-michelle.blogspot.com/
Rachel Whetzel http://www.minetothine.com/
Susan Brown http://www.sbartist.blogspot.com/
Ananda Marks http://ajsarts.wordpress.com/
Angie Westerman http://altermyworld.blogspot.ca/
DeeDee Catron: http://umwowstudio.blogspot.com/
Amazing Mold Putty: http://amazingmoldputty.blogspot.com/